The Huron County Board of Mental health and addiction services
who we are
The Huron County Board of Mental Health and Addiction Services (MHAS) is a public body made up of volunteer Board members including clients, family members, and other community leaders representing Huron County. The primary role of MHAS is to monitor, evaluate, assess, prioritize and plan for mental health and addiction services throughout our county. The Board does not directly provide mental health and/or addiction services. The Board contracts with various agencies for mental health and/or addiction services including prevention, treatment and recovery support services.
Members of the Huron County Board of Mental Health and Addiction Services (MHAS) are appointed by the authority of, and subject to, the Ohio Revised Code.
Five members of the Board are appointed by the Director of the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services; and nine members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Huron County.
One Board member must be a person who, in the past or is currently, receives either mental health services or alcohol/drug addiction services paid for by public funds. One Board member must be a parent or relative of an individual who, in the past or is currently, receives either mental health services or alcohol/drug addiction services paid for by public funds. All members must be residents of Huron County and interested in mental health and/or alcohol or other drug addiction programs and services.
Board members are normally appointed for a term of four (4) years. No Board member may serve on the Board whose spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, grandchild, step-parent, step-child, etc., serves as a member of the Board of an agency with which the Board has entered into a contract for services. Further, no person shall serve as a member of the Board whose spouse, child, parents, etc., serves as a county commissioner of Huron County.
Board members do not receive compensation for serving on the Board. However, they are entitled to reimbursement for travel and Board-related and authorized expenses.
Staff of the Board: It is the duty of the Board to employ the Executive Director. All other Board staff serve at the pleasure of the Executive Director.
Ensure access to mental health and addiction services and resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery supports while educating and advocating for all community members.